The Second Gender Equality Report

  • The Second Gender Equality Report

    In Mai 2015, the expert commission has started working on the Second Gender Equality Report. The experts have exchanged their findings on gender equality in working sessions and commissioned additional studies. In January 2017, the assessment report was handed over to the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. After that, the ministry has worked together with other federal ministries to draft their position. This position was approved in June 2017 by the cabinet and the federal government’s second Gender Equality Report was passed on to the parliament. Ganz lesen
  • Selected policy recommendations

    1. Gender equality in employment incl. self-employment Introduction of a "Time Act": Working times and locations must take into account individual needs in the specific life phase Support for more remuneration/pay rate transparency Improvement of instruments for company gender equality Gender-competent ... Ganz lesen
  • Current challenges in gender equality policy

    The gender equal organisation of paid work and (unpaid) care work serves as a guiding thread to the Expert Commission. The Expert Commission addresses also current gender equality policy challenges that are not in line with this thread. Ganz lesen